26 Mar 2022
The final TERRA Workshop on Transborder Multilevel Governance of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services was co-organised by Pskov State University, St. Petersburg State University, and Erda RTE оn March 24-25 in Pskov.
We have discussed the transborder bioregionalization in the context of biodiversity conservation and management of ecosystem services, in particular referring to management and policy tools, instruments and practices advancing transborder cooperation over these issues, as well as advancing our understanding of borderland socio-ecological systems...
29 Jul 2021
Erda RTE co-organised “Environmental governance systems in transboundary contexts” Workshop and Roundtable on July 26-27 in Pskov.
The aim of our research workshop and roundtable discussion in Pskov was to discuss the borderland topic in the context of regional development, in particular referring to environmental governance systems, thus advancing our understanding of options for sustainability transition. In parallel with the workshop...
20 Apr 2021
Erda RTE co-organised “Green and Blue Urban Infrastructure Innovation for Northern Eurasia. Transfer, Regionalisation, Planning Strategies and Development Directions” Workshop and Roundtable on April 19-20 in Saint Petersburg.
We focused on two objectives. One was to take stock of innovations related to green and blue infrastructure (GBI) in Russian cities, and to understand the factors of success and failures of such innovation projects given a variety of biophysical and socioeconomic contexts across the country. The other one was to...
1 May 2020

Dear all, the sixth edition of the EEAcademy summer school Sustainability Transitions and the Precautionary Principle (Budapest, 29 June - 3 July, 2020) has been cancelled due to restrictions related to the outbreak of the novell coronovirus. Prelimenery, it will be moved to the summer 2021.


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